Acupressure technique is based on ancient principles of Chinese medicine. It is used to get rid of fatigue, stress, symptoms of various diseases and pain.
The plastic nails in the mat provide a great massage effect at home.
The set includes a mat, pillow and cotton bag.
Mat size: Size: 68 x 40 cm. The mat is made of 100% soft cotton, complemented by 6210 active acupuncture points. The base is filled with coconut fiber. For a great feeling of well-being, energy and healthy sleep!
Pillow size: 37cm x 26cm. The pillow is made of 100% soft cotton, complemented by 1377 active acupuncture points. Filled with buckwheat husks.
What will you gain from using an acupressure mat?
- Get rid of stress and provide yourself with a deep, intimate sleep
- The mat stimulates biologically active points starting from the head, spine and back muscles, which helps to completely relax
- Relieves back and neck pain, muscle stiffness and tension, and headaches
- The tense muscles of the diaphragm and breathing will be relaxed
- Get a power boost and feel relaxed after just using 20 minutes
- The blood circulation is stimulated in the body, which creates a pleasant feeling of warmth
- Skin elasticity will improve
- The mat stimulates the production of endorphins and oxytocin. Endorphins are joy hormones and natural painkillers that actively block pain and improve mood. Oxytocin reduces the levels of stress hormones in the body, improves memory, builds confidence, reduces anxiety and fear.