The blend of exotic spices from the Far East with pure cocoa from South America gives this tea a unique taste and aroma. Great flavors like ginger and cinnamon delicately blend with the flawless cocoa essence, warming the body and the spirit. Choco tea with its light taste will inspire feelings of joy.
Yoga: Prayer Position (Gurprasad)
Sit in a comfortable position. Fold your palms together to make contact with the little fingers. With palms up. Elbows along the sides. The palms should be at the heart level. Breathe long and deep. Let yourself relax and receive a blessing. You can continue from 3-31 minutes.
Usage: To make aromatic Choco tea, pour 300ml freshly boiled water into one tea bag. Allow to infuse for 7 minutes or longer for a stronger flavor. try a small sip of this tea before adding your favorite sweeteners.
Ingredients: Cocoa (53%), cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, roasted chicory root, cloves, black pepper.
Weight: 90g