Guduchi, or heartleaf tinospora, is a plant that continues to grow even when uprooted from the ground, drawing energy from the five primordial elements that make up the environment around it. It is for this reason that it is often referred to as amrita, which is the Sanskrit word for immortality. In India, guduchi is considered a plant that can give life, it destroys toxins and has a rejuvenating effect on the body.
The stems and roots of the plant are used to prepare Guduchi Churna.
Promotes the body's resistance to stress and helps maintain the normal functioning of the immune system.
Heart leaf tinospora helps to regulate the blood sugar level, supports the cleaning process in the urinary systems, helps to keep the urinary tract in a comfortable state.
The composition: Guduci Trunk Powder (Tinospora cordifolia)
Usage: ½ - 1 tsp. drinking warm water once or twice a day.
Warning: In certain cases (pregnancy, breastfeeding period, serious illnesses), it is recommended to consult a specialist about dosages. Plant powder does not replace a full and balanced diet and cannot be considered as a medicine.
Origin: non-EU agriculture
Weight: 100g
Storage: Store in a dry, dark place out of the reach of children.
You can find more information about plants, their advantages and application possibilities on the Internet, in books and from specialistsm.