The edge is made of 108 wooden, Labradorite stone and quartz crystal beads.
Each bead is about 5 mm.
Decorated with metallic ornaments and a bouquet of gray nylon threads.
The edge is scented with sandalwood essential oil.
Labradorite - awakens mystical and magical abilities, as well as psychic powers. It protects the aura and cleanses it of negativity. If you are "discharged", it will give you energy. Placed on the neck chakra, promotes better communication skills. With Labradorite, you can discover sleeping abilities and develop them, such as intuition. By opening the crown chakra and coming into direct contact with the Divine Mind, you will begin to realize that you are receiving direct messages from the spirit. Labradorite allows you to understand your destiny - the path you chose before you got here on earth. It helps to make contact with beings from other dimensions. Moves to secret and covert exploration, such as cosmic law.
The Labradorite is considered to represent the "Temple of Stars". It brings light from other planetary beings to the soul of the user. The stone of transformation. A good stone for improving night vision and developing the ability to see auras. Increases sensitivity and can stimulate reminiscence, clairvoyance or other abilities. Activates different levels of consciousness. Protects the wearer from any adverse effects. Labradorite - Protects housing and money, builds endurance. A powerful stone that helps you see more clearly, understand your dreams and goals. Stimulates imagination and enthusiasm, helps generate new ideas.