Turkish pea - also known as ram's pea (English Chick-pea, German Kirchenerdse, Italian Cece, Spanish Garbanzo, Latin Cicer arietinum) - one of the oldest legumes known to mankind. Dishes made from nuta were popular already in ancient times. By the way, the surname of the famous Roman orator Cicero comes directly from the Latin name of this plant. Nuts are particularly popular in the Middle East, southern Europe and the Mediterranean region. Nuta proteins are similar in composition to proteins of animal origin (same composition of amino acids in optimal proportions).
Turkish peas are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, folic acids, microelements and minerals (nuts rank first among legumes in terms of selenium content). Nuts are an excellent source of protein, they regulate blood glucose levels, help control appetite, their ingredients give the skin elasticity and a healthy appearance. This legume perfectly regulates the functioning of the intestinal tract and improves brain function.
Weight: 500g